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Medieval German Texts & Manuscripts

Curated by Segolene Gence.

With contributions from Prof Henrike Lähnemann (Medieval and Modern Languages - Oxford).


Welcome to our page focusing on other Medieval languages! The MEMSLib team is also happy to present you with a selection of resources on languages spoken outside the British Isles in the Medieval and Early Modern period. We are working to expand this section to hopefully create individual pages for each language, and so are welcoming suggestions from our users. If you would like to collaborate with us, on adding to existing resources or create new ones, such as on Old Norse, please contact us here.



Medieval German Texts and Languages


Wörterbuchnetz lists all the digital Medieval German dictionaries, including Old High German, German Legal Dictionary, and more. It was created by the Trier Center for Digital Humanities, University of Trier.


​ is a portal focusing on the study of Medieval German (including Old Germanic languages, Middle High German and Early New High German). It offers many resources such as a collection of dictionaries, a list of digital editions of medieval German texts, and corpus databases


Handschriftencensus is an inventory of the handwritten tradition of German-language texts from the Middle Ages. It includes up-to-date links of works and manuscripts that contain medieval German text.





Medieval Iberian Texts and Languages


​​Corpus del español is a dictionary containing 100 million words in more than 20,000 Spanish texts from the 1200s to the 1900s, searchable by words or phrases, wildcards, lemmas, part of speech, etc.


Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts is an online library of early Spanish texts created by the Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies.


Spanish Paleography Digital Teaching and Learning Tool is an interactive pedagogical resource using manuscripts written in Spanish during the early modern period (mostly from the 16th and  17th centuries) to help users who wish to familiarise themselves with the different principal handwriting styles throughout the Spanish-speaking world at the time: the cortesana, procesal, encadenada, and humanística scripts. Developped by the CUNY Dominican Studies Institue (CUNY DSI) at the City College of New York.


Open Iberia/ América is a collection of Open Access English and Spanish translations of premodern Iberian and Latin American texts, in association with the University of Oregon. Updated annually with contributions, the current collection encompasses texts from the thirteenth to seventeenth centuries. 


Dicionario de dicionarios do galego medieval is an online lexical compendium which regroups several dictionaries of medieval Galician, searchable either by terms or by letter.


The Oxford Cantigas De Santa Maria Database is an on-going project developped by Oxford University on the Galician-Portuguese Cantigas de Santa Maria, offering much information on the texts, manuscripts and miniatures of the CSM  thanks to searchable databases, as well as bibliographies. An appendix to this project also exists in the form of The Text and Music Archive which hosts the editions and translations in English of the 420 poems, as well as Manuel Pedro Ferreira's diplomatic transcriptions of the music for the Cantigas.


More digital resources are also available on the research guide curated by the Bodleian Library for Hispanic Studies.



Medieval Iberian
Miscellaneous resources

Miscellaneous Resources


Early Indo-European Online Language Lessons offers introductory language lessons from the  Linguistics Research Centre at the University of Texas, covering 18 different Indo-European languages including Latin, Greek, Old English, Old Norse, Old Irish and Old French, among others. The lessons present fully annotated primary materials with translation and pronunciation exercises, recordings, glossaries and grammatical guides.

Other Languages

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Resource page last updated by Cristina Alvarez on 17/7/2023

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