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Project Databases

Curated by Anna-Nadine Pike

Many subject-specific academic projects are increasingly making their findings available online. This page brings together project resources which can be used alongside the other materials on our Theology, Middle English and Late Medieval History pages. You will also find resources on  manuscripts and manuscript networks on our Manuscripts Studies page.


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Books of Duchesses - Books of Duchesses brings together data relating to book ownership among late-medieval laywomen, focussing on Francophone regions from 1350-1550 AD. Use its interactive map of Europe to discover individuals and the books they owned, and to piece together networks of text ownership and transmission. The project is in its early stages of development, with new data being added gradually, and so much of the current data pertains to book ownership among the aristocracy.


Database of Middle English Romance - This database makes the rich collection of Middle English Romances more accessible and includes key information such as: date and place of composition, verse form, authorship and sources, extant manuscripts and early modern prints. Plot summaries of each text are also available. 


Geographies of Orthodoxy This project provides descriptions of texts in the English pseudo-Bonaventuran lives of Christ tradition (including Nicholas Love’s Mirror of the Blessed Life in 61 MSS). The project ran from 2007-2010 at Queen's University, Belfast.


Late Medieval English Magic - Compiled as part of doctoral research by Laura Mitchell (University of Toronto), this project offers a catalogue of late-medieval manuscripts which feature magical charms, conjurations, treatises, recipes and rituals. The catalogue is searchable by library holding and location, and manuscripts are also grouped according to charm type or ingredient.


The Medieval Bestiary Project A resource for the study of animals as they appear in, and beyond, the medieval bestiary. The resource includes an encyclopaedia, a digitised bestiary, and a Digital Text Library, containing rare or out-of-print books and articles relating to medieval animals. 


Medieval Material Girls - Led by Kenna Olsen (Mount Royal University, Canada), this project investigates the scribal activity of women in late-medieval England through a focus on manuscript study. The project asks whether women copy books, and how such engagement with medieval literary culture may be evidenced. The project site features a gallery of women’s annotations in late-medieval manuscripts, and a tree-map showing the count of texts containing female names. 


Medingen Manuscripts Project - A project led by Henrike Lähnemann (University of Oxford), which reassembles the dispersed manuscripts and materials connected to the Cistercian nuns of Medingen Abbey, a fourteenth-century nunnery located in Bad Bevensen.


Towards a New Edition of the Wycliffite Bible An AHRC-funded project at the University of Oxford, led by Elizabeth Solopova, which offered a new edition of the Wycliffite Bible. The site provides bibliographic and contextual detail about the Wycliffite Bible, and will host a digital, interactive version of the new edition itself. For more resources on the history of the bible, see our theology page.


Whittington's Gift: Reconstructing the Lost Common Library of London's Guildhal- A Leverhulme-funded project at both the University of Kent and Queen's University Belfast, that demonstrates that London citizens created new programmes of religious education for the City's clergy and for literate lay communities.

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Page edited by Anna-Nadine Pike
With contributions from Dr Edward Roberts (MEMS), Dr Robert Gallagher (MEMS),
Dr Ryan Perry (MEMS) and Dr Daniel Smith (Kings College London)


Resource page updated by Anna-Nadine Pike - last updated 11/12/21

Last updated by Fay West 24/07/23

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